ClimaLevel Wall heating

Heating surfaces in the vertical

If you want to heat the house with low flow temperatures for an efficient heat pump, you need large heating surfaces. If, for whatever reason, the floors are not available as a heating surface, the room walls are a good option. Wall heating surfaces are a proven and worthwhile alternative for the energy-efficient refurbishment of old buildings.


Wall heating with drywall panels
Prefabricated ClimaLevel TRW elements enable quick installation without a lot of dirt. At a VL temperature of 40°C, the prefabricated module panels achieve a heating output of approx. 80W/m2 active heating surface.

Wall heating for plastering
The installation of a heating system on a solid wall made of brick or sand-lime brick, on the other hand, is usually carried out using clip rails as pipe supports. wall clamping rails are attached to the raw wall, ideally approx. every 50 cm. The heating pipes are fixed in the rails. In order to manage with low heating temperatures here too, we always recommend a laying distance of 10 cm for the pipes. After fixing the heating pipes, the heating registers are plastered in with an overlap of approx. 20 mm. The heating output is also approx. 80W/m2 at a VL temperature of 40°C. The heat output of a wall heating system always refers to the free and unobstructed surface. Built-in cupboards reduce performance and must be taken into account. Hanging pictures is of course also possible with wall heating. With a thermal foil, you can determine the exact position of the water-bearing pipes while the wall heating is running and position the required fixings accordingly.